Friday, May 27, 2011

"Let Go, Let God", cute saying, how do we do it?

"Let go, let God", is a very cute saying, that holds no real power in life if we don't know how to really use it in an effective way.

Many people want this miracle statement to simply take their stress away, which it will never , ever be able to do if we simply repeat it as a mantra, with no legs underneath it.

Watch this short video to see what I mean.

Slow down.

Love, david

Monday, May 23, 2011

"VICTIMS" Never Heal. Important information.

One of the most important topics that we could ever cover comes from an old true, saying....victims never heal.


And sadly, many of us who are "victims" in life, to a former or current lover, our genetics, the economy or even an abusive family upbringing, may not even realize the victim role we have been playing for years.

Watch this short video to see what I mean.

The good news? Once we do the work to release the victim mentality, we can heal faster than a speeding bullet. =)

Slow down.

Love, david

Simple ways, to create amazing abundance.

When we think about creating a life filled with amazing abundance, many immediately go to the mindset that they have to make major changes to see incredible results.

And while this may be true at times , there are other steps, simple ones , that can offer dramatic changes in our energy and lives.

Watch this short video to see what mean.

Slow down, live with more abundance today.

Love, david

Friday, May 20, 2011

"Victims" Never Heal. Important information.

One of the most important topics that we could ever cover comes from an old true, saying....victims never heal.


And sadly, many of us who are "victims" in life, to a former or current lover, our gentetics, the economy or even an abusive family upbringing, may not even realize the victim role we have been playing for years.

Watch this short video to see what I mean.

The good news? Once we do the work to release the victim mentality, we can heal faster than a speeding bullet. =)

Slow down.

Love, david

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Release "The Bitch" within. It's time. =)

So, what is the "bitch within"? Or better yet, who is it? And how do we release it?

Many of us have been trained to "play nice, don't rock the boat, and whatever you do, make sure no one ever gets upset wit you!"

The reality is, the opposite is what is needed to live an emotionally healthy life.

Watch this short video to see what I mean.

Slow down, release the bitch within, in a respectful way. =)

Love, david

Friday, May 13, 2011

Can we create what we want, instantly?

Is it possible, to create the life we want , instantly?

Can we let go of 30 years of depression, or low self esteem, in a short, and I mean short, period of time?

Watch this short video, to see the answer to this question.

Slow down, suspend your beliefs that to accomplish our goals means long hard work.

Love, david

Friday, May 6, 2011

Awesome sex? What are your partner's desires?

If we want to see our sex life go through the roof, literally, and become simply awesome, we must find out what our partners needs are. And while this might at first seem like an easy task, for many, it might be a little more challenging than we think.

Watch this short video to see what I mean.

Slow down, to create the life of great intimacy and sex, that you've always desired.

Love, david

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's time, to Slow Down..................


One of the biggest lessons that I've learned (correct that . . . am still learning) from the Buddhist culture is mindfulness, a slowing down of our daily activities so that we can be fully present in all that we do. Our daily lives can be so full of activity that we can easily forget what we had for lunch two hours after eating it! The Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh and other great teachers have been spreading the message surrounding mindfulness for years. Now it is up to you and me to slow down and be "present" in all that we do. Become mindful of your next kiss . . . go slowly . . . of your next meal . . . eat slowly . . . slow down.

DOING THE DISHES by Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk from "Sunshine and Green Leaves" Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

“To my mind, the idea that doing dishes is unpleasant can occur only when you aren't doing them. I enjoy taking my time with each dish, being fully aware of the dish, the water, and each movement of my hands. I know that if I hurry in order to go and have a cup of tea, the time will be unpleasant and not worth living. That would be a pity, for each minute, each second of life is a miracle. Each bowl I wash, each poem I compose, each time I invite a bell to sound is a miracle, and each has exactly the same value. If I am incapable of washing dishes joyfully, if I want to finish them quickly so I can go have a cup of tea, I will be equally incapable of drinking the tea joyfully. With the cup in my hands I will be thinking about what to do next, and the fragrance and the flavor of the tea, together with the pleasure of drinking it, will be lost. I will always be dragged into the future, never able to live in the present moment.”

If you believe this article can help someone you know, please pass it on.
Search. Grow. Love.

Love, david

Monday, May 2, 2011

What do you REALLY want? The Aladdin Factor

So, what do you really, really want out of life? What would make your heart sing? Have you seriously asked for what you desire, as they describe the process so beautifully in the book "The Aladdin Factor"?

Too many of us have high hopes for our love life, financial situation or our bodies, yet just never get around to asking the right people for the help they need. Watch this short video to see what I mean.

Slow down, for the sagely advice given in this amazing book, and watch your life change.

Love, david