Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"Reasons to hire a Life Coach today: #2"

The second reason why people hire a Life Coach is a simple one: they realize, they've gotten as far as they can on their path to success, by themselves. They've hit their personal limit, and now they are aware enough to ask for help.

Both men and women struggle with the concept of asking for help, and yet, if we look around at the people who are leading lives filled with success, they have been asking others like mentors , advisor's and Life Coaches for help for years!

Twenty six years ago when I met one of my mentors Joe Cirulli, the thing that stuck out initially to me the most was all of the mastermind groups he was involved with! I kept thinking "...this guy's a multimillionaire, why is he always flying around the country to be a part of business support groups?"

The answer became quite apparent as I grew in my path, that to reach the next level in any of our goals, we will have to be strong enough, to ask for help.

Today, I see my life surrounded by healers and coaches I use on a weekly and monthly basis for feedback, in order that I can continue to grow. It is so easy to hit plateaus in life, and the only way to truly break through is to work with people who will hold you accountable to your work.

Far from a sign of weakness, working with a life coach is actually a sign of strength.

If you truly are ready to change, your health, income, body, attitude, path to God, relationships, or to let go of an addiction or procrastination....it is time to hire a Life Coach.

Since 1991, we have helped millions of clients radically change their lives, and today, we are ready to help you do the same.

Commit today. Live the life you desire.

And, as always, our work is 100% guaranteed. No risk for you at all.

Please visit www.davidessel.com for more information, or call us at 941 266 7676.

We are ready, to serve you.

Love, David

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