Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Loss of Service in Business..Starbucks

I was so disappointed recently after reading an article in USA Today about the rebuilding of the ”Starbucks Empire”. Like many business tragedies, the whole interview was based around the physical changes that were going to be made at these coffee shops, and not one word, not one word was mentioned about an increase in training for a higher level of customer service.

What a shame.

What a complete and utter shame.

I love Starbucks coffee, but I am dismayed with how many stores I go to where I experience lame, inattentive and actually lazy employees. Which means, that there truly is no emphasis on this from the very top on down. And, this was proven by this recent article.

They were quite happy to say that the smell of roasted beans would once again be wafting through every store…and how they would unveil a new $2.50 extra special cup of coffee……….but not one word was mentioned about customer service……..

Could this have anything to do with the closing of 100 stores recently?????

I wonder………………………………………………………………….

Slow Down.

Peace,Love, David

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