Friday, May 22, 2009

Sexuality, Intimacy and You

The topic of sexuality and intimacy is one of the most important issues in our lives, and yet for many it's one that is rarely if ever discussed. While we may feel brave to openly discuss our political or religious views, to often we shy away from exploring our intimate and sexual needs and desires.

What does sexuality mean to you? What does it mean to be truly intimate with yourself and/or another? Is it ok to take care of your sexual needs by yourself even if you are currently in a relationship? Can you openly share your sexual desires with your partner, even if they have no interest in fulfilling them? How do you fulfill your partners desires for true intimacy? Do you even know what they are?

And if you're currently single, how do you get your basic human needs for intimacy and sexuality met? Or are you waiting for someone else to meet them? And if you are, is this the healthiest way to live?

Right now, slow down and take a piece of paper and answer the questions asked in this article. See if you truly do know, or have even explored, the importance of this area of your life. Too many clients that I have worked with over the years have neglected to even try to gain insight into their own as well as their partners beliefs about the topics of sexuality and intimacy, and have watched their love fade due to the neglect of needs and desires.

Yes, I am asking you to be open and vulnerable. And yes, it is in this state that the most amazing experiences of life truly exist. Let's all reach this place together.

Join David for a new dynamic 3-hour workshop which covers information that will offer exciting breakthroughs in how we approach sexuality and intimacy as it relates to self love and acceptance, as well as our ability to love others more deeply.

Many of us shy away from talking about our own sexual needs whether we are currently alone or in a relationship with another. David's philosophy revolves around the concept that if we can begin to approach our feelings about sexuality and intimacy more freely, we then can use this newfound awareness to deepen our love of self, something that many people today struggle with deeply.

"Our gift of intimacy is one to cherish, acknowledge and explore if we are to continue our path to living a more aware, awakened life. It's exciting to see a liberated freedom for people who have explored their passion for intimacy, sexuality and love, and how this freedom positively affects every area of their lives."

Cost: $35 per person. To Sign up call 941-266-7676, or visit

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