Friday, April 17, 2009

"The Guitar"..A Transformational Movie

"The Guitar" is truly one of the most thought provoking and transformational movies I have seen in a very long time.

While receiving strong reviews from the Sundance Film Festival, it has lingered in the background, an unknown in many circles.

If you are ready to transform your life, or if life is forcing you to transform yourself due to circumstances outside of your control, you will benefit greatly from watching this film.

The main character is hit with many intense challenges all on the same day, and decides to follow a path she had only dreamed about in the past.

Some of her choices may be against your belief systems, yet they hold the key to true personal growth: the only time we truly alter our lives in very big ways, is when we choose to walk into the unknown.

Rent this movie today, and watch the powerful transformation that our character goes through, and then decide what radical changes you must make to get the same end result.

Slow down.

Love, peace, David Essel

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