Sunday, March 29, 2009

From Crisis to Personal Success..Part 2

As we move from crisis to personal success, the one thing we must do is read, research or seek out individuals who have accomplished the very same thing that we are looking to succeed with.

Like the homeless man who went on to make millions of dollars in a job that everyone told him to do because he enjoyed it, not to make money in...

Or the woman, separated from her family on the verge of filing for divorce, who discovered an inner love that saved her marriage.....

Or the woman who hated God for an accident that claimed the life of her sister years ago, who forgave herself, And God, to move to a more peaceful existence...

Or the man who thought his life ended after losing his multiple homes and filing for bankruptcy..only to find a new creative outlet that put him on the road of financial abundance..

And the several men and women, who after struggling with addictions to: alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, and/or spending money to feed an inner hole...found an almost instant relief by following a simple secret known by millions...

Or the man who never wanted to forgive his former wife for creating his "living hell", who discovered inner peace after learning how to let go...

And last, a single mom working 2 jobs, dejected and sworn to a life of negativity, discovers a new way to live that brought instant joy and relief....

And, last, last...=)...a woman with 4th stage cancer who experiences love for the first time in her life....

All of these stories can be a reflection of your story as well, and yes, you can experience the miracle of living a more successful life...

Slow down and join us at our workshop as we show you how to move from crisis to personal success.

Love, peace, David Essel

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